Elizabeth White (mother of two) Currently preparing for her first physique competition.

Elizabeth White (mother of two) currently preparing for her first physique competition.

I am a mother of two, Personal Trainer, IFBB Pro Figure/Physique Athlete, and  Nutrition Consultant.  I live in North Carolina.  Work is mainly at the Y, personal training, although I do have many long distant clients I help with training, nutrition and contest prep.  My degree is from East Carolina University in Exercise and Sports Science.

I am a Sponsored athlete by NutraClipse.  I absolutely love their products!

I am currently preparing for my first Womens Physique Competition.  I decided to switch divisions two years ago, focusing on gaining size to compete in Physique, not Figure. I have always been very active.  As a child I rode/showed horses, played many different sports.  Soccer was my favorite.  I can remember so clearly at age 12 , falling in love with the weight room.  The “Iron Passion” has been there ever since! I competed in one body building competition in 1998.  Then, I got married and had two beautiful children.  It wasn’t until 2004 that I decided to compete in Figure.  I won the overall in my first show.  It was ON after that.  I trained hard to earn my Pro Card,  In 2006, I won the Overall at the Jr. Nationals and turned Pro.

Health and fitness has been my life for over 20 years

Health and fitness has been my life for over 20 years.

Health and fitness has been my life for over 20 years.  The most rewarding thing is knowing I make a difference in someone’s life.  I love helping others achieve their health and fitness goals; be it fighting disease or just boosting their mental, emotional and physical outlook. This is what I do and what I enjoy.

My family has always been supportive.  They know it’s my lifestyle, striving to be stronger, healthy and full of life.  My children even know when my “cheat meals” are and when and why it is important to eat healthy and exercise.  I want to be an incredible role model for them in every way.

I think the hardest obstacles for me to overcome were the death of my father and my divorce.  When I turned Pro it was Fathers Day weekend which made it extra special for me having lost my father.  On the flip side, I was also going through a very hard divorce, trying my best to raise two small children, live, work  and  compete through the process.  BUT I DID IT! I give thanks to God for giving me the strength, patience and determination to achieve my goals and the support from my friends and family being there for me.

For the past two years I have trained and planned meals to add more muscle to compete in Physique. I have been dieting since January of this year to compete next week in my first Physique competition.  I haven’t been on stage since my last Figure competition 2 years ago.  So, I am very excited and ready to see how I do in this new division with a different look.

I do a lot of “old school” training. I love lifting heavy, challenging myself to see just what I can do with what God has given me.  It is so freakin fun to me!!! LOL yes, I love it! I train each muscle group at least once a week.  Cardio in the off season is a minimum 3 days a week.  Pre-contest, I do cardio every day and lift according to how I feel as calories/body weight drop.

Normally, my meals are broken down to 5 /day with protein shakes around training and before bed.  Pre-contest I eat 5 meals /day and start backing off the shakes a couple weeks from show. Protein is always consistent through day.  I manipulate carbs according to how I look and what my goals are at the time.  I drink 1-2 Gallons of water each day, take vitamins, minerals, protein shakes, essential fats and amino acids. I use NutraClipse preworkout and thermogenic.

I would encourage ANYONE that is not currently in and exercise program or eating healthy (with a purpose) to start NOW!! I have been in this industry long enough to say I have seen the difference it makes not only physically, but mentally and emotionally a huge boost in life and living, being happy!

Elizabeth White  with her game face on! Killing it!

Elizabeth White with her game face on! Killing it!

I have NEVER heard anyone say that they regret making the decision to live healthy and strong!

Thank you for this opportunity to share my story.  I can be reached :


Facebook – IFBB Pro Elizabeth White


  1. Your friend John from Iowa at linkedin says:

    Babydoll, absolutely there’s no quit in you, you’re an awesome lady, Elizabeth and I think of you all the time, not doubt, THEE most Awesome Goddess on the planet. Take care, princess, we’ll talk soon

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