Archive for the ‘Workouts’ Category

Somebody Else is Putting the Effort In

Please take a look at the link attached. I’m not asking you to do what this guy is doing; but hey don’t get me wrong, if you can, go right ahead. More power to you! Sometimes I feel like throwing in the towel, breezing through my workout, or skipping my run but I think of all the people in my circle kicking ass, and I take it up a notch.

 My message to you is simple; There’s absolutely no limit to what you can do.

Act or accept.

Your friends at “Socially Fit”

Are You Up for The Challenge?

Here’s a little burn out for you to try at home as per one of our followers on twitter:

Thanks @jhbitting!!

Eat clean. Train dirty.  Be “Socially Fit”

The Loud Sound Of Regret

When working out becomes a staple in your everyday routine, it becomes less of a chore and more of a necessity for life. This begins to creep into your subconscious and before you know it your good friend Mr./Mrs. Conscience haunts you for having missed your daily exercise routine. Next thing you know you’re craving a workout, or some form of energy release. Last night I was knee-deep into a video game (yes, I’m an avid gamer) and tossed my evening workout to the side. It was fine until about 8 o’clock. Then suddenly I’m receiving all of these messages from my brain constantly letting me know how disappointed my body was for missing the workout.

This morning I felt like crap!

I missed a workout last night and now I feel like I’ve set myself back. I have tried to justify it in my head but none of it is working. No do over! I can not go back in time, I can however ensure that this does not happen again. When it comes to “workout guilt”, how exactly do you deal with it? Do you cave in under the pressure and try to squeeze a workout in, or are you able to shut your conscience up?


Pace Yourself

Yesterday I felt a little under the weather. My body was sore, and something that I ate was reeking its revenge on me. I had a workout scheduled, and I had no intention of cancelling it. So I got myself dressed and off I went to the gym. As I went through the paces, my mind drifting, my stomach aching, I kept reminding myself to focus. I couldn’t feel a thing. I couldn’t feel my muscles working, yet I knew that they were. Even though intensity and enthusiasm were lacking, I was still able to push myself to maintain the numbers, and in some cases increase the weight. I felt like I was in a bubble. There physically, but not mentally, I left feeling like it was a waste of time.

Today I feel amazing! My head is clear, my stomach ache gone, and my legs are killing me. I guess we all have those days? My partner normally writes the blog post, and today he finds himself going through the paces, mind drifting, not really knowing what to touch on. He’s collecting his thoughts after an early morning run.  The only advice that I have for him and for all of us in our daily lives, is to pace ourselves. We’re in it for the long haul.

Remain consistent.

Semper Fi

It’s 4am, I’m up before reveille, and the city is quiet. I’m trying to put on my running shoes in the dark so as to not wake anyone. Thankfully even the dog is silent this morning. I haven’t done anything like this since my days as a Marine, and oddly I’m a little excited. So here I go, out the door, just me and the concrete below my feet. I wonder what my lungs are going to feel like now that I’ve stopped smoking? Will I survive the route that I’ve laid out for myself? I don’t know but here I go, I’ll finish this post when I return.

I finished my run much faster than I thought that I would. Tomorrow I’ll push myself further. My lungs are not on fire, as I expected them to be, that’s a plus. This run was on the short side but it was my first time out; I’m still sweating, my heart racing. My six year stint as a Marine totally came in handy as I called cadence to myself , amazing how it helps me to control my breathing. Lot’s of memories came to mind. I like running at this time of day. There’s no one around, no noise or distraction. Very peaceful, I can clear my mind. I feel energized by the run, and I’m filled with pride in myself and my new-found love for fitness. This was definitely an amazing run and I would like to thank each and every person who has contributed in one way or another to being “Socially Fit”.

You really make this easy…well easier. Let’s keep moving forward and striving for perfection. Thanks for stopping by!

And as we say on twitter: #EatClean and #TrainDirty! #SemperFi!

Warm-Up Pyramid

Posted: March 12, 2012 in Workouts
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A Great Way To Begin Your Workout

While reading other blogs, I came across this pyramid of exercises on It’s Progression Not Perfection and I thought it would be a great way to begin a workout. Needless to say that I was correct. Try it and let us know how it works for you!

Now I know this image focuses on women, but this pyramid can be just as effective on men.